SocietalSystem ( StS )

Humanity's New Operating Complex

Global-Local Societal Proactivation Programs 2030 for All
Global-Local Person-Plan Societal Systemic Reform Plan 2030
Global-Local Societal Systemic Transition Plan 2030
250-Year Cognitive Revision Plan 2020-2030
World Global-Local Person-Planet
Societal Systemic Reform Plan 2030

World Global-Local Person-Planet Societal Systemic Reform Plan 2030.
Nobody can any longer invoke any alibi or aberration to stay passive !

It has become clear that the human society organization cannot longer go on as during the last centuries.
Concepts > Societal Charters > Constitutions and Treaties > Geo-Territorial Divisions > Societal Administration Sector Departments

> Legislation System > Deliberation to Decision Processes > Representation and Election System > Finance and Socio-economy Models > etc
Every single aspect of societal organization, personally to planetary, has to be revised and reformed.

Horizontal Navigation Page World Global-Local Person-Planet Societal Systemic Reform Plan 2030,
Same Site for
250+ World Geo-Territories

2021-2030 Decade Top Priority
Societal Sytemic Revision and Reform Tasks for Everyone

> Central Site -
> World Geo-Territories Sites:

01. Research Deliberation Editing SocietalSystem Matrix
02. Global Societal Charter 21 Proposal
1. 250-Year Cognitive Revision Plan 2020-2030
2. Global-Local Geo-Territorial Division
Reform 2030
3. Global-Local Geo-Territorial Societal Administration
Reform 2030
4. Constitutions and International Treaties
Revision 2030
5. United Nations System
 Reform 2030
6. World Finance System Reform 2030
7. World Socio-Economy System Reform 2030
8. .....

General Site World Global-Local Geo-Territorial Division Reform 2030
Horizontal Navigation Page World Global-Local Geo-Territorial Division Reform 2030, World Geo-Territories

General Site World Global-Local Geo-Territorial Societal Administration Reform 2030
Horizontal Navigation Page World Global-Local Societal Administration Refporm 2030, World Geo-Territories

Who can/shoukd do what when and where ?
Societal Entities Applications 
Global-Local Person-Planet Societal Systemic Reform Plan 2030

Public Institutions

General Site Global-Local Societal Proactivation Programs 2030 Societal Entities Public Institutions
Horizontal Navigation Page Societal Proactivation Programs 2030 Societal Entities Public Institutions, World Geo-Rerritories
General Site Global-Local Societal Proactivation Programs 2030 Societal Entities Enterprises
Horizontal Navigation Page Societal Proactivation Programs 2030 Societal Entities Enterprises, World Geo-Rerritories

A.3 aa
General Site Global-Local Societal Proactivation Programs 2030 Societal Entities NGOs
Horizontal Navigation Page Societal Proactivation Programs 2030 Societal Entities NGOs, World Geo-Rerritories
General Site Global-Local Societal Proactivation Programs 2030 Societal Entities Schools
Horizontal Navigation Page Societal Proactivation Programs 2030 Societal Entities Schools, World Geo-Rerritories
General Site Global-Local Societal Proactivation Programs 2030 Societal Entities Media
Horizontal Navigation Page Societal Proactivation Programs 2030 Societal Entities Media, World Geo-Rerritories
General Site Global-Local Societal Proactivation Programs 2030 Societal Entities Citizens
Horizontal Navigation Page Societal Proactivation Programs 2030 Societal Entities Citizens, World Geo-Rerritories


World Global-Local Person-Planet Societal Systemic Reform Plan 2030 Study Learning Training Coaching Syllabus
World Global-Local Person-Planet Societal Systemic Reform Plan 2030 World Societal Workshops Program
Training Program World Global-Local Person-Planet Societal Systemic Reform Plan 2030

SiteMap World Global-Local Person-Planet Societal Systemic Reform Plan 2030
Key-Diagram World Global-Local Person-Planet Societal Systemic Reform Plan 2030

SocietalSystem FindEngine World Global-Local Person-Planet Societal Systemic Reform Plan 2030

Horizontal Navigation Pages World Global-Local Person-Planet Societal Systemic Reform Plan 2030

Blank Document Models World Global-Local Person-Planet Societal Systemic Reform Plan 2030
SocietalSystem Documents Flow World Global-Local Person-Planet Societal Systemic Reform Plan 2030
Related SocietalSystem-Sites World Global-Local Person-Planet Societal Systemic Reform Plan 2030

Key-Terms World Global-Local Person-Planet Societal Systemic Reform Plan 2030
Key-Checklists World Global-Local Person-Planet Societal Systemic Reform Plan 2030

SocietalSystem Spheres-Flow Applications World Global-Local Person-Planet Societal Systemic Reform Plan 2030
Societal Sectors Applications World Global-Local Person-Planet Societal Systemic Reform Plan 2030
Disciplines  Applications World Global-Local Person-Planet Societal Systemic Reform Plan 2030

Geo-Territorial Applications World Global-Local Person-Planet Societal Systemic Reform Plan 2030
Societal Entities Applications World Global-Local Person-Planet Societal Systemic Reform Plan 2030

Promo Cards World Global-Local Person-Planet Societal Systemic Reform Plan 2030
Promo Posters World Global-Local Person-Planet Societal Systemic Reform Plan 2030

3-fold Flyers World Global-Local Person-Planet Societal Systemic Reform Plan 2030

Promo Video World Global-Local Person-Planet Societal Systemic Reform Plan 2030

Expositions World Global-Local Person-Planet Societal Systemic Reform Plan 2030
Excursions World Global-Local Person-Planet Societal Systemic Reform Plan 2030

 Intro-Promo Slideshow World Global-Local Person-Planet Societal Systemic Reform Plan 2030
Synoptic Triptych Set World Global-Local Person-Planet Societal Systemic Reform Plan 2030

Key-References World Global-Local Person-Planet Societal Systemic Reform Plan 2030
Quotations World Global-Local Person-Planet Societal Systemic Reform Plan 2030

Holistic Thinking Applications
World Global-Local Person-Planet Societal Systemic Reform Plan 2030

Key-Survey World Global-Local Person-Planet Societal Systemic Reform Plan 2030

Societal Top-Indicators DashBoard World Global-Local Person-Planet Societal Systemic Reform Plan 2030
Societal e-Transition 2025 Proposals and Projects World Global-Local Person-Planet Societal Systemic Reform Plan 2030
SocietalSystem-Tasks List World Global-Local Person-Planet Societal Systemic Reform Plan 2030
Global Supervisor World Global-Local Person-Planet Societal Systemic Reform Plan 2030

SocietalSystem Operating Features World Global-Local Person-Planet Societal Systemic Reform Plan 2030
SocietalSystem-Packages Products Services Events World Global-Local Person-Planet Societal Systemic Reform Plan 2030

SocietalSystem Associates and Partners World Global-Local Person-Planet Societal Systemic Reform Plan 2030

SocietalSystem Crowd-Research and Construction Program World Global-Local Person-Planet Societal Systemic Reform Plan 2030


SocietalSystem ( StS )