SocietalSystem ( StS )
Humanity's New Societal Organization Complex

Top-Info of the Day
"Half of the major enterprises of the world would have to close
if they would pay their carbon emissions."

Novethic, july 2024

An integrated societal shift project.

A world of sustainable and socially responsable opportunities
for citizens' steered societal governance, read politics, local-global business and nonprofit.
A revolution for the whole education sector,
from primary level to post-graduate.
And an instoration of local human real conviviality.
In short, the post-party-elections era program to instore real democracy,
as party politics became the major impediment for participatory governance, read democracy.

The triad sine-qua-non solutions for the world:
1. Replacing the GDP by the Panergetic Index and, in parallel, the mercantilist prices by Panergetic Prices
2. Organize down-up local Deliberative Societal Governance, replacing party politics and dito elections,
considerably lifting-up humanity's Mental-societal Age
3. A movement for Creative and Solidary Sobriety
Proposals in preparation for making these items and many other related topics
object of academic theses, societal surveys, etc.
The whole set to be steered by a "I decide" Citizens Movement.
This includes the need for a very restricted application of AI,
which on top needs an unacceptably excessive volume of energy, read CO˛, etc.
See, for example, the latest report on the untenable CO˛ generation by Google.

Democracy, elections and SocietalSystem.

One of the root aspects of SocietalSystem is the fact it contains thousands of tools
for citizens to research, possibly change, a wide range of behaviours,
that steer the whole functioning of society, including its impacts on politics,
economy, social relations, health and the environment,
without having to change any law, still perfectly legal, and morally sound!

Example: 50% of the world population, specially in the advanced economies,
becoming vegetarian, would drastically impact, in the best sense,
the environment, health and public and personal finance, worldwide.

And, its application would not cost one single cent!

Highlights of the month of july 2024
* Construction of the SocietalSystem and project websites on the Alentejo region, Portugal,
with launch of related files, including printed booklets, as well as tests on divulgation initiatives.
* Series of contacts in the Alentejo, for the first societal and contact office and workshop places.
being the Vila Nova da Baronia freguesia possibly an area, representative for the region,
as it is centrally located between prominent cities or towns of the region, as Évora, Beja, Alcácer do Sal and Grândola.
* Also: talks about the further elaboration and application
of the Algarve region of Portugal SocietalSystem and sites,
being the Tavira municipality possibly becoming its start area.
Suggestions and start partners welcome! See contact mail below.


SocietalSystem Alentejo, Portugal
100.000+ free workable documents online, including maps, datatables, pictures, ... Alentejo
Rural development platform, under construction.

Distritos Alentejo Districts
Distrito de Évora Alentejo Central - 
Distrito de Beja Alentejo Baixo - Distrito de Portalegre Alentejo Alto
Lezíria do Tejo - Alentejo Litoral
Current municipality site models: Concelho Elvas, District Portalegre, Alentejo, Portugal
Concelho Alvito, District Beja, Alentejo, Portugal
Freguesia Vila Nova de Baronia, Concelho Alvito, District Beja, Alentejo, Portugal


SocietalSystem Algarve, Portugal
200.000+ free workable documents online,
including maps, datatables, pictures, ... Algarve
Rural development platform, under construction.

World-World Relations Outline
1.500 Topics, applied to all world regions and countries.

Date: 22.07.2024



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