SocietalSystem ( StS )

Humanity's New Operating Complex

Training for Transition, ffor Everyone
World Societal Workshops 2020-2030 Agenda HomePage
World Societal Workshops 2020-2030

January 2020
January 2020February 2020March 2020April 2020May 2020 - June 2020
 July 2020August 2020 - September 2020October 2020November 2020 - December 2020

See also: World Societal Workshops 2020-2030, Algarve, Portugal
from which the WorldShop Topics are selected.

Horizontal Navigation Page Societal Workshops World Geo-Territories
Under construction, a Societal Workshops Site on each of the about 250 Geo-Territories of the world.
European Continent countries active.

StSNmr: 24 - Time: pag.mam - Place: aa9878.01.2020.pag.mam
Date:07.12.2019   Author(s): SocietalSystem-Editors  Contact:

Nr Day WeekTimePlaceStSTopTopic - TitleRemarks

01       The World Societal Workshops DataBase, reserved for proactive partners, contains all the data on the present table, plus, name + mail coach(es), number of participants, their country of origin, combined deals as links or licenses, partners interventions, agreed upon applications and projects, values of transactions or orders, however no personal names of participants.

02       Download the most recent version of the synoptic
Presentation-file January 2020 World Societal Workshops

It also contains presentations of relates StS-Partners.

03       Promote the present program through your personal contacts, and printed and online channels. Compose a group of 9 participants, and you get your participation free, plus a commission on the definitive and payed deals, concluded during the event.

1 Wednesday

2 Thursday

3 Friday

4 Saturday

5 Sunday

6 Monday

7 Tuesday

8 Wednesday

9 Thursday

10 Friday

11 Saturday

12 Sunday

13 Monday

14 Tuesday

15 Wednesday

16 Thursday

17 Friday

18 Saturday

19 Sunday

20 Monday

21 Tuesday

22 Wednesday

23 Thursday

24 Friday

25 Saturday

26 Sunday

27 Monday

28 Tuesday

29 Wednesday

30 Thursday

31 Friday


SocietalSystem general contact:
? SocietalSystem ( StS ) Consortium