SocietalSystem ( StS )
Humanity's Operating Complex

World Geo-Territories
World Geo-Territories Diagonal Navigation Page of Horizontal Pages Series
Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System
Same Site/Page in all World Level Geo-Territories SocietalSystem-Platforms.
Continents, SubContinents, Fonias and Countries.

Continents - Sub-Continents - Fonias
Countries Africa -
Countries Americas - Countries Asia - Countries Europe - Countries Oceania

General Site Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System


StSFil Item Data Remarks
aanw.wrdPerson-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System World (general)

  1 Continents
aanw.faf Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Africa (general)

aanw.fam Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Americas (general)

aanw.faz Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Antarctica

aanw.fas Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Asia (general)

aanw.fer Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Europe (general)

aanw.foc Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Oceania

  2 Sub-Continents

aanw.fca Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Central Americas

aanw.fla Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Latin America

aanw.fna Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System North America

aanw.fbx Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Arabia

aanw.fsa Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System South-East Asia

aanw.fab Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Black Sub-Saharan Africa

aanw.fee Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Eastern Europe

aanw.few Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Western Europe

aanw.feu Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System European Union

aanw.fxaPerson-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Mediterranean Area

aanw.fea Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Yellow Asia

  3 Fonias Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Anglofonia

aanw.fai Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Arabofonia

aanw.ffr Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Francofonia

aanw.fge Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Germanofonia

aanw.fhi Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Hispanofonia

aanw.flu Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Lusofonia

aanw.fne Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Netherlandofonia

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  4 Countries Africa

aanw.fag Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Algeria - Algérie

aanw.fak Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Angola

aanw.fbn Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Benin

aanw.fbw Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Botswana

aanw.fbk Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Burkina Faso

aanw.fuj Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Burundi

aanw.fcm Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Cameroon

aanw.fcv Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Cape Verde - Cabo Verde

aanw.fce Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Central African Republic - République Centrafricaine

aanw.ftd Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Chad

aanw.fcr Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Comoros

aanw.fcg Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Congo Brazaville

aanw.fwi Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System DR Congo Kinshasa

aanw.fdj Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Djibouti

aanw.feg Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Egypt

aanw.fgq Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Equatorial Guinea

aanw.fei Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Eritrea

aanw.fet Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Ethiopia

aanw.fga Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Gabon

aanw.fgb Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Gambia

aanw.fgh Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Ghana

aanw.fgw Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Guinea-Bissau - Guiné-Bissau

aanw.fgn Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Guinea

aanw.fic Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Ivory Coast - Côte d'Ivoire

aanw.fke Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Kenya

aanw.fls Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Lesotho

aanw.fli Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Liberia

aanw.flb Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Libya

aanw.fmg Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Madagascar

aanw.fmw Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Malawi

aanw.fma Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Mali

aanw.fmu Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Mauritania

aanw.fnb Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Mauritius

aanw.fmo Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Morocco - Maroc

aanw.fmq Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Mozambique - Moçambique

aanw.fmb Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Namibia

aanw.fng Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Niger

aanw.fnr Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Nigeria

aanw.frw Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Rwanda

aanw.fst Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System São Tomé e Príncipe

aanw.fsn Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Senegal - Sénégal

aanw.fsc Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Seychelles

aanw.fse Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Sierra Leone

aanw.fso Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Somalia

aanw.fza Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System South Africa (country)

aanw.fsu Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Sudan

aanw.fssPerson-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System South-Sudan

aanw.fsq Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Swaziland

aanw.ftz Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Tanzania

aanw.ftg Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Togo

aanw.ftn Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Tunisia Tunisie

aanw.fug Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Uganda

aanw.fwa Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Zambia

aanw.fww Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Zimbabwe

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  5 Countries Americas

aanw.faq Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Anguilla

aanw.fat Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Antigua and Barbuda

aanw.fae Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Argentina

aanw.fvx Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Aruba

aanw.fba Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Bahamas

aanw.fbd Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Barbados

aanw.fbl Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Belize

aanw.fbm Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Bermuda

aanw.fbo Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Bolivia

aanw.fbr Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Brazil

aanw.fcn Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Canada

aanw.fky Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Cayman Islands

aanw.fch Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Chile

aanw.fco Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Colombia

aanw.fcs Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Costa Rica

aanw.fcu Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Cuba

aanw.fdo Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Dominica

aanw.fdm Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Dominican Republic

aanw.fec Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Ecuador

aanw.fel Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System El Salvador

aanw.fgl Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Greenland

aanw.fgd Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Grenada

aanw.fgp Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Guadeloupe

aanw.fgt Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Guatemala

aanw.fgg Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Guyana

aanw.fha Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Haiti
aanw.fho Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Honduras

aanw.fjm Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Jamaica

aanw.fmk Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Martinique

aanw.fme Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Mexico

aanw.fmz Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Montserrat

aanw.fni Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Nicaragua

aanw.fpn Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Panama

aanw.fpy Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Paraguay

aanw.fpe Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Peru

aanw.fpr Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Puerto Rico

aanw.fsk Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Saint Kitts and Nevis

aanw.fsl Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Saint Lucia

aanw.fpm Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Saint Pierre and Miquelon

aanw.fsv Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

aanw.fsr Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Surinam
aanw.ftt Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Trinidad and Tobago

aanw.ftc Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Turks and Caicos Islands

aanw.fus Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System United States

aanw.fur Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Uruguay

aanw.fve Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Venezuela

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  6 Countries Asia

aanw.fah Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Afghanistan

aanw.fbh Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Bahrain

aanw.fbg Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Bangladesh

aanw.fbt Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Bhutan

aanw.fbf Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Brunei

aanw.fcb Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Cambodia

aanw.fci Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System China

aanw.fcc Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Cocos (Keeling) Islands

aanw.fhk Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Hong Kong

aanw.fin Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System India

aanw.fid Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Indonesia

aanw.fia Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Iran

aanw.fiq Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Iraq

aanw.fil Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Israel

aanw.fjp Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Japan

aanw.fjo Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Jordan

aanw.fka Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Kazakhstan

aanw.fkw Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Kuwait

aanw.flo Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Laos

aanw.fle Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Lebanon

aanw.fml Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Malaysia

aanw.fmd Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Maldives

aanw.fmj Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Mongolia

aanw.fmm Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Myanmar (Burma)

aanw.fnp Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Nepal

aanw.fkp Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System North Korea

aanw.fom Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Oman

aanw.fwe Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Palestine

aanw.fpk Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Pakistan

aanw.fph Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Philippines

aanw.fqa Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Qatar

aanw.fsd Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Saudi Arabia

aanw.fsi Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Singapore

aanw.fkr Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System South Korea

aanw.fsf Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Sri Lanka

aanw.fri Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Syria

aanw.ftw Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Taiwan

aanw.ftj Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Tajkistan

aanw.fth Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Thailand Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Turkey

aanw.ftm Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Turkmenistan

aanw.fua Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System United Arab Emirates

aanw.fub Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Uzbekistan

aanw.fvn Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Vietnam

aanw.fym Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Yemen

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  7 Countries Europe

aanw.fal Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Albania

aanw.fad Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Andorra

aanw.faw Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Armenia

aanw.fos Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Austria

aanw.faj Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Azerbaijan

aanw.fbs Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Belarus

aanw.fbe Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Belgium - Belgique - België

aanw.fbb Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Bosnia and Herzegovina

aanw.fbu Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Bulgaria

aanw.fct Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Croatia

aanw.fcp Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Cyprus, Republic of

aanw.fkb Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Cyprus, Turkish

aanw.fez Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Czech Republic

aanw.fde Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Denmark

aanw.fes Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Estonia

aanw.ffi Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Finland

aanw.ffa Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System France

aanw.fgo Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Georgia

aanw.fgr Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Germany

aanw.fgc Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Greece

aanw.fhu Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Hungary

aanw.fis Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Iceland

aanw.fie Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Ireland Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Italy

aanw.fko Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Republic of Kosovo

aanw.fkg Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Kyrgyzstan

aanw.flt Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Latvia

aanw.flc Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Liechtenstein

aanw.flh Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Lithuania

aanw.flg Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Luxembourg

aanw.fmc Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Republic of Macedonia

aanw.fmt Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Malta

aanw.fmv Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Moldova

aanw.fmn Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Monaco

aanw.fmr Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Montenegro

aanw.fnt Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Netherlands

aanw.fno Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Norway

aanw.fpd Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Poland

aanw.fpo Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Portugal

aanw.frm Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Romania

aanw.fru Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Russian Federation

aanw.fsm Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System San Marino

aanw.feb Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Serbia

aanw.fsy Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Slovakia

aanw.fsg Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Slovenia

aanw.fsp Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Spain

aanw.fsh Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Sweden

aanw.fsw Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Switzerland

aanw.fuf Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Ukraine

aanw.fuu Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System United Kingdom

aanw.fvt Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Vatican City

aanw.fvo Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Voyvodina

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  8 Countries Oceania

aanw.fau Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Australia

aanw.fck Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Cook Islands

aanw.ffj Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Fiji

aanw.fkc Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Kiribati

aanw.fmf Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Marshall Islands

aanw.fnu Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Nauru

aanw.fnc Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System New Caledonia

aanw.fnl Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System New Zealand

aanw.fnz Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Niue

aanw.fmp Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Northern Marianas Islands

aanw.fpl Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Palau

aanw.fpg Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Papua New Guinea

aanw.fpi Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Pitcairn Island

aanw.fsb Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Solomon Islands

aanw.ftk Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Tokelau

aanw.fto Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Tonga

aanw.ftv Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Tuvalu

aanw.fvu Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Vanuatu

aanw.fwf Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Wallis and Futuna

aanw.fow Person-Planet Societal Deliberative Interaction System Samoa

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