SocietalSystem ( StS )

Humanity's Operating Complex

Societal Platform

Platform for the crowd-construction of a convivial and sustainable society model, applied to Kyrgyzstan.

Sectoral Sitemap Kyrgyzstan
500+ Pages and Files, ready for Research, Editing and Societal Dynamization.

Soon online:
Global Exchanges Platform Kyrgyzstan 
Migration, Information, Tourism, Import-Export, .... Kyrgyzstan 
50+ Regional Networks of Local sustainable and convivial Socio-economy.

SocietalSystem Crowd-Construction Program Kyrgyzstan
Transition and Post-Crisis Jobs, Business and Investment Opportunities.
Innovative Societal Tasks for Research, Debate, Theses and School Projects.

Societal Proposals > Transition Plan 2025, Kyrgyzstan
Open Platform for Proposals related to the Societal Development in the short and long term, of the Kyrgyzstan,
Locally to Globally. Parcels, Streets, Neighborhoods, Villages, Municipality. All Sectors and Topics. All Public and Private Entities.

EU Training and Education for All, soon active
Training Program Kyrgyzstan Societal Platform
Kyrgyzstan Societal Platform Study Learning Training Coaching Syllabus


Standard Basic Files

also part of all sites, listed above.

SiteMap Kyrgyzstan Societal Platform - Key-Diagram Kyrgyzstan Societal Platform
SocietalSystem FindEngine Kyrgyzstan Societal Platform -
Horizontal Navigation Pages Kyrgyzstan Societal Platform
Blank Document Models Kyrgyzstan Societal Platform
SocietalSystem Documents Flow Kyrgyzstan Societal Platform - Related SocietalSystem-Sites Kyrgyzstan Societal Platform
Key-Terms Kyrgyzstan Societal Platform - Key-Checklists Kyrgyzstan Societal Platform
SocietalSystem Spheres-Flow Applications Kyrgyzstan Societal Platform -
Societal Sectors Applications Kyrgyzstan Societal Platform - Disciplines  Applications Kyrgyzstan Societal Platform
Geo-Territorial Applications Kyrgyzstan Societal Platform - Societal Entities Applications Kyrgyzstan Societal Platform
Promo Cards Kyrgyzstan Societal PlatformPromo Posters Kyrgyzstan Societal Platform
3-fold Flyers Kyrgyzstan Societal Platform
- Promo Video Kyrgyzstan Societal Platform
 Intro-Promo Slideshow Kyrgyzstan Societal Platform - Synoptic Triptych Set Kyrgyzstan Societal Platform

Key-References Kyrgyzstan Societal Platform - Quotations Kyrgyzstan Societal Platform
Holistic Thinking Afkgications
Kyrgyzstan Societal Platform
- Key-Survey Kyrgyzstan Societal Platform
Societal Top-Indicators DashBoard Kyrgyzstan Societal Platform
Societal e-Transition 2025 Proposals and Projects Kyrgyzstan Societal Platform
SocietalSystem-Tasks List Kyrgyzstan Societal Platform - Global Supervisor Kyrgyzstan Societal Platform
SocietalSystem Operating Features Kyrgyzstan Societal Platform - SocietalSystem-Packages Products Services Events Kyrgyzstan Societal Platform
SocietalSystem Associates and Partners Kyrgyzstan Societal Platform

Date:: 16.01.2019


Skype: societalsystem

? SocietalSystem ( StS )