Global e-Society Complex

Evolutive Society System

World Exchanges Platform
R?gion Wallonie Globplex Central Homepage 
R?gion Wallonie Homepage
Global-Local Exchanges
R?gion Wallonie

Globalization Observatory and Steering Platform

Navigation Table

The Global-Local Exchange sites contain a series of pages and files on all major geo-territories in the world, about 275,
applied to one specific topic of one geo-territory.
The sets are ready for research, editing, education and management.

The Global-Local Exchanges constitute essential indications or parts of the GlocoIndex Societal Impact Rating System.

Nr GlobFil Title Remarks
1 General  
1.2 gb0107.qxwx.gwl Global-Local Exchanges Training Programs, R?gion Wallonie
1.3 xsa.qxwx.gwl Global-Local Exchanges Syllabus, R?gion Wallonie
1.4 acb.qxwx.gwl Global-Local Exchanges Didactic Modules, R?gion Wallonie
1.4 gb0901.qxwx.gwl Global-Local Exchanges School Programmes, R?gion Wallonie
2 Pages Folders Files
2.0 gt0124.qxaa.gwl Societal Impact Exchanges, R?gion Wallonie
See also: - Panergetic Price System - Societal Impact Concept
2.0 qxai.gwl Incoming Societal Impact, R?gion Wallonie
2.0 qxao.gwl Outgoing Societal Impact, R?gion Wallonie
2.1 gt0124.qxen.gwl Environment Exchanges, R?gion Wallonie
2.2 qxei.gwl Incoming Environment, R?gion Wallonie
2.3 qxeo.gwl Outgoing Environment, R?gion Wallonie
2.4 gt0124.qxcm.gwl Commercial Exchanges, R?gion Wallonie
2.5 qimp.gwl Import, R?gion Wallonie
2.6 qexp.gwl Export, R?gion Wallonie
2.7 gt0124.qxtu.gwl Travel Tourism Exchanges, R?gion Wallonie
2.8 qxti.gwl Incoming Travel Tourism, R?gion Wallonie
2.9 qxto.gwl Outgoing Travel Tourism, R?gion Wallonie
2.10 gt0124.qxin.gwl Investment Exchanges, R?gion Wallonie
2.11 qxii.gwl Incoming Investments, R?gion Wallonie
2.12 qxio.gwl Outgoing Investments, R?gion Wallonie
2.13 gt0124.qxde.gwl Demographic Exchanges, R?gion Wallonie
2.14 qxdi.gwl Immigration, R?gion Wallonie
2.15 qxdo.gwl Emigration, R?gion Wallonie
2.16 gt0124.qxfn.gwl Financial Exchanges, R?gion Wallonie
2.17 qxfi.gwl Incoming Finances, R?gion Wallonie
2.18 qxfo.gwl Outgoing Finances, R?gion Wallonie
2.19 gt0124.qxmc.gwl Information Exchange, R?gion Wallonie
2.20 qxmi.gwl Incoming Information, R?gion Wallonie
2.21 qxmo.gwl Outgoing Information, R?gion Wallonie
2.22 gt0124.qxvt.gwl Visits Exchanges, R?gion Wallonie
2.23 qxvi.gwl Incoming Visits, R?gion Wallonie
2.24 qxvo.gwl Outgoing Visits, R?gion Wallonie
2.25 gt0124.qxpa.gwl Societal Governance Exchanges, R?gion Wallonie
2.26 qxpi.gwl Incoming Societal Governance, R?gion Wallonie
2.27 qxpo.gwl Outgoing Societal Governance, R?gion Wallonie
2.28 gt0124.qxra.gwl Research Exchanges, R?gion Wallonie
2.29 qxri.gwl Incoming Research, R?gion Wallonie
2.30 qxro.gwl Outgoing Research, R?gion Wallonie
2.31 gt0124.qxba.gwl Training Coaching Exchanges, R?gion Wallonie
2.32 qxbi.gwl Incoming Training Coaching, R?gion Wallonie
2.33 qxbo.gwl Outgoing Training Coaching, R?gion Wallonie
2.34 gt0124.qxca.gwl Cultural Exchanges, R?gion Wallonie
2.35 qxci.gwl Incoming Culture, R?gion Wallonie
2.36 qxco.gwl Outgoing Culture, R?gion Wallonie
2.37 gt0124.qxha.gwl Events Exchanges, R?gion Wallonie
2.38 qxhi.gwl Incoming Events, R?gion Wallonie
2.39 qxho.gwl Outgoing Events, R?gion Wallonie
2.37 gt0124.qxua.gwl Conviviality Exchanges, R?gion Wallonie
2.38 qxui.gwl Incoming Conviviality, R?gion Wallonie
2.39 qxuo.gwl Outgoing Conviviality, R?gion Wallonie
2.37 gt0124.qxsa.gwl Inspiration Exchanges, R?gion Wallonie
2.38 qxsi.gwl Incoming Inspiration, R?gion Wallonie
2.39 qxso.gwl Outgoing Inspiration, R?gion Wallonie
3   Applications
3.1    aa9109.qxwx.gwl Applications Global-Local Exchanges for Public Institutions, R?gion Wallonie
3.2    aa9680.qxwx.gwl
Applications Global-Local Exchanges for Entreprises, R?gion Wallonie
3.3    og0103.qxwx.gwl
Applications Global-Local Exchanges for NonProfit Organizations, R?gion Wallonie
3.4    ct0126.qxwx.gwl
Applications Global-Local Exchanges for Citizens, R?gion Wallonie
3.5    sc0100.qxwx.gwl
Applications Global-Local Exchanges for Schools, R?gion Wallonie
3.6   md0100.qxwx.gwl
Applications Global-Local Exchanges for Media, R?gion Wallonie

Globplex Indexes and Synoptic Sitemap domain Google driven Search Page


GlobNmr: 31 - GlobTop: qxwx.gwl - GlobFil: gt0124.qxwx.gwl

Page Update: 15.02.2014
Author(s): Globplex-Editors
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