SocietalSystem ( StS )
Humanity's Operating Complex

Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come ....
Project Proposal for Crowd-Research, Deliberations, Projections and Implementation.

under review, still relevant for deliberation
Pan-European Societal e-Regions Network
Project Pan-European Interdependent Societal e-Regions Network, Proactive Citizens' driven and systemically based on the StS-Sphere.
Gradually replacing current nation-states for the whole or major part of societal governance by natural nation-regions,
as well as the European Union in its current form
Including all regions, 300+, from Portugal to the Ural, from Iceland to Cyprus, from Ireland to Istanbul.

Note: some countries are de facto e-Regions as Luxembourg, Monaco, Andorra, Estonia, etc.
Other countries, as Portugal, are natural nations, which is not the case for Belgium, France, Spain, etc.

Model Societal e-Regions include:
Alentejo Region, Portugal - Algarve e-Region, Portugal - Açores, Portugal - Madeira, Portugal
 Brussels e-Region, Belgium, -
Flanders, Belgium - ...
Catalonia, current Spain - Scotland, current UK -

Note: StS-Licenses are only given to e-Regions, worldwide, national entities acting only as intermediaries.
Argument: e-Regions, featuring coherent ecologcal, economical and cultural coherence, should exercice,
togeher with their municipalities and micro-localities, 70% of all competences in general governance decision and economy, both citizens' driven,
leaving 20 % to nation-states and 10 % to supra-national organizations.

Fiscality should go cascading down-up, not top-down as now.
List of Pan-European e-Regions shortly online.

Most countries in the world are artificial constructions, inducing untenable costs of governance and human conflicts
They are on top growingly steered by global corporates, some beneficially, most not.
The European Union, relevant in its original option, is outgrown into a bureaucratic body, cut off from its citizens.
More, the whole area of the European continent is de facto a unity, the EU's geo-territorial delimitation is artificial, not corresponding to any logic classification,
implying immense confusion and corrective expenses.

Strategy and Roadmap
1. Set-up of StS-Matrix per e-Region
2. Recrute StS-Supervisor per e-Region
3. Create StS-Consortium per e-Region
4. Create Network of StS-Partners, per e-Region to Europe-wide
5. Launch StS-Program of  Training of StS-Staff and Coaches
6 ....

Plan to use the European Parliament Elections 2019 for promoting Pan-European Societal e-Regions Network.
Creation of Societal Pan-European Net parties to take part in the elections.

Similar initiatives per natural world ge-territories.
Examples: Northern-Americas, Central-Americas, Southern-Americas, Western Africa, Norther-Africa, etc.
StS-Sites and Dossiers in preparation. Research-Editors welcome !


Pan-European Societal e-Regions Network Study Learning Training Coaching Syllabus
Training Program Pan-European Societal e-Regions Network

SiteMap Pan-European Societal e-Regions Network - Key-Diagram Pan-European Societal e-Regions Network
SocietalSystem FindEngine Pan-European Societal e-Regions Network -
Horizontal Navigation Pages Pan-European Societal e-Regions Network
Blank Document Models Pan-European Societal e-Regions Network
SocietalSystem Documents Flow Pan-European Societal e-Regions Network - Related SocietalSystem-Sites Pan-European Societal e-Regions Network
Key-Terms Pan-European Societal e-Regions Network - Key-Checklists Pan-European Societal e-Regions Network
SocietalSystem Spheres-Flow Applications Pan-European Societal e-Regions Network -
Societal Sectors Applications Pan-European Societal e-Regions Network - Disciplines  Applications Pan-European Societal e-Regions Network
Geo-Territorial Applications Pan-European Societal e-Regions Network - Societal Entities Applications Pan-European Societal e-Regions Network
Promo Cards Pan-European Societal e-Regions NetworkPromo Posters Pan-European Societal e-Regions Network
3-fold Flyers Pan-European Societal e-Regions Network
- Promo Video Pan-European Societal e-Regions Network
Expositions Pan-European Societal e-Regions Network - Excursions Pan-European Societal e-Regions Network
 Intro-Promo Slideshow Pan-European Societal e-Regions Network - Synoptic Triptych Set Pan-European Societal e-Regions Network

Key-References Pan-European Societal e-Regions Network - Quotations Pan-European Societal e-Regions Network
Holistic Thinking Applications
Pan-European Societal e-Regions Network
- Key-Survey Pan-European Societal e-Regions Network
Societal Top-Indicators DashBoard Pan-European Societal e-Regions Network
Societal e-Transition 2025 Proposals and Projects Pan-European Societal e-Regions Network
SocietalSystem-Tasks List Pan-European Societal e-Regions Network - Global Supervisor Pan-European Societal e-Regions Network
SocietalSystem Operating Features Pan-European Societal e-Regions Network - SocietalSystem-Packages Products Services Events Pan-European Societal e-Regions Network
SocietalSystem Associates and Partners Pan-European Societal e-Regions Network

SocietalSystem Crowd-Research and Construction Program Pan-European Societal e-Regions Network


© SocietalSystem ( StS )