SocietalSystem ( StS )
Humanity's New Operating Complex

World - Europe Continent European Union
Kingdom of Belgium
België Belgique Belgien

Societal Platform Kingdom of Belgium.

Position SocietalSystem
Structure 2030 de la Belgique: 4 Régions équivalentes

Région Vlaanderen, Région Wallonie, Région Cantons Allemands et Région de Bruxelles
cfr Proposition Paul Magnette
Représentations de 3 autres Régions dans chaque Région
Entités Publiques des autres Régions à déménager vers les respectives Régions.
Bruxelles aussi Siège de Belgique Fédérale

StS-Dossiers brèvement disponibles.

Voire aussi Position SocietalSystem
Europe 2030

Fusion de l'Union Européenne avec tous les autrres pays du Continent de l'Europe.
Stricte application de géo-subsidiarité.
StS-Dossiers brèvement disponibles.


Project Global-Local Societal Governance Alliance Belgium
part of: Project: General Site Global-Local Societal Governance Alliances
SocietalSystem is looking for a Societal Governance Alliance StS-Supervisor for Belgium in general, and for each of its Regions.
Vlaanderen, Wallonie, Brussels, and for each of its municipalities and sub-municipalities.

Horizontal Navigation Page Global-Local Societal Governance Alliance, World Geo-Territories

StS-Platform Deliberative Societal Governance, Belgium
Towards 2025, Parallels, later towards 2030, Replacement,
for Official Documents, 
Institutions and Governance Mechanisms, Belgium

Sectoral-Thematic Sitemap, Belgium
Societal Proposals > Transition Plan 2020-2030, Belgium

StS-Platform Deliberative Societal Governance, Belgium
Towards 2025, Parallels, later towards 2030, Replacement,
for Official Documents,
Institutions and Governance Mechanisms, Belgium

StS-Platform Regio Vlaanderen
StS-Plateforme Région de Bruxelles
StS-Plateforme Région Wallonie
StS-Plattform Region Deutschsprachige Gemeinschaft  Belgiens (DG) "Ostbelgien"

See also Belgium Sites ( english ) in
World Geo-Territories Series

Same site in all 200+ world continents and countries.

European Parliament Elections May 2024 - StS-Interventions
SocietalSystem is looking for Supervisors in each Eu-Country and Region,
with special attention and features to the European Parliament Elections in May 2019.
Interested ? Mail your references to
See also: 
EU Citizens' steered Societal Deliberations and Elections 2024 Plan

Page update: 22.02.2021
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© SocietalSystem ( StS )